Jaina's Blog

{July 12, 2011}   I’m baaaack!

Well, it’s certainly been a while since I’ve been here, hasn’t it!! I decided to try and get back on the wagon when one of my friends started a blog and became my blog rival, totally showing me up!! It is currently 11:30pm, so my neuroreceptors don’t have enough seratonin from lack of REM sleep to coordinate proper brain function. Stupid neuroreceptors. I got that from Big Bang Theory, just in case you began to thing that I’m an undiscovered genius. (Well…we won’t get into that 😉 Just a quick post to let you know that I’m back, and I’m gonna try my best to stay on top of things this time!! Goodnight!! ❤

I have always thought of McDonald’s as just another fattening fast food resturant…until now. Today in hospitality class we watched Supersize Me. Normally I have a very strong stomach! I can watch Fringe and CSI without a problem, but something about that movie made my stomach turn!

Did you know that only seven items on McDonald’s entire menu contains no sugar, and the salad is not one of them? Have you ever enjoyed a McNugget? This is how they are made: the weakest, oldest chickens are bought at cheap prices, thrown into a grinder after the feathers are plucked, mashed together (blood and bones and all), mixed with preservatives, additives, and chemicals, and then stamped into familiar shapes to be packaged and served. I don’t know about you, but that is GROSS!

After I watched it, I had this huge urge to go home and eat the biggest, most healthy salad of my life. I guess I really need to watch stuff like that more often!

I don’t have the energy to get all riled up about this tonight, so this is where I sign off. Goodnight, my dear loyal fans!! 🙂

{March 11, 2010}   Hello world!

So I guess this is my first blog…I’m not totally sure how this thing works but I guess I’ll learn! I’m at school right now, waiting for my carload. They’re always late. I usually have half an hour to kill after school…did I mention I’m a pacifist? Killing time is not what I do best. So anyway, for all you readers out there (however many actually discover the shining star that I am) these blogs will probably be the most random things you have ever read. I could include some of my writing, or I could just rant about stuff that bothers me. Sometimes there will be a specific topic for a blog, and other times it’ll be all over the place. I solemnly swear not to use any MSN lingo, and will always write in full sentences. I will occasionally need your help as readers when I need some ideas for a story that I write or something like that. My biggest struggle is finishing a story that aI start, because I usually just write with a burst of inspiration instead of planning out a storyline. I have 2 stories that I am currently writing: Hope Whispers and Untitled #3 billion. Okay, I haven’t written that many pieces, but I just haven’t thought of a name yet. Don’t judge me. Hope Whispers is about a 16-year old girl named Spencer Entellini. She lives with her mother, who is a medical research scientist, out in the country. They are very rich. One day, Spencer reads in the newspaper that a man named ‘Regis Konner’ escapes from jail. Thinking nothing of it, she nonchalantly reads it to her mom, who freaks out and starts doing all these tests in her basement laboratory. Suddenly the headlines are proclaiming that a mysterious virus is attacking and killing thousands in major specific cities around the world. Spencer demands an answer from her mom, who explains that she went to medical university with him and knows that he is behind the virus. She knows how intelligent he is and what he can do…..to be continued….

Hey,  I have to go now! Don’t give me that! I told you I was waiting for my ride, and here they are!

et cetera